Penetrating anchors fail in waterproof tile shower

The ominous forces of darkness always lurk in the mundane and seemingly harmless places of our lives, then all of a sudden... BOOM! This reality is perfectly depicted in the "Lord of the Rings" sequel, “The Two Towers". The scene picks up with Théoden, King of Rohan deciding to take his people to Helm's Deep for safety, that impenetrable fortress, capable of stopping the advancing forces of Saruman. It seemed like those massive walls of Helm's deep would hold, however, Saruman’s Orcs discovered a small weakness in the fortresses structure, a culvert, which lets a stream of water flow outward, away from the cities walls. The scene ends with Saruman's Orcs using an explosive device to blast open the culvert, allowing the fortress to be breached.

So it is with the tile industry; we build these incredible waterproofed structures, only to have our systems breached by a small, seemingly insignificant device... TileWare calls these devices, "penetrating anchors". Not only do these devices violate waterproofing, they simply don't work. Consumers are all too familiar with accessory mounting failures: baskets, hooks and grab bars loosening and/or pulling away from the wall. Whether it's a traditional tile shower, steam shower or integrated wet-room, accessories should provide consumers with convenience, safety and workability for a lifetime. Unfortunately, for decades upon decades, residential, senior living, medical and hospitality properties have been mounting accessories with hollow-wall anchors, mollies and toggles (all penetrating anchors) with disappointing results. 

Whether these anchors are plastic or metal, they have historically proven to be completely unreliable, as well as a perpetuating expense and liability. Disturbingly, they violate waterproofing systems and provide an access point for water intrusion into the interior wall-cavity (the space where insulation, plumbing and electrical components are housed). In a construction era where buildings are air-tight, it's imperative that water is unable to leak into the interior wall, otherwise mold and bacteria will grow behind the wall in stale air spaces. In addition to these potential liabilities, improper penetration by any screw-type anchor may negate the manufacturer’s waterproofing warranty, saddling the repair cost entirely on the property owner.

TileWare fixes all these problems, once and for all! Not only do we push back the dark forces... we annihilate them with the light of results. We are able to do this because our products perform reliably. Additionally, we represent the lowest installed cost, along with the lowest lifetime cost (as compared to: plated, stainless steel or brass accessory goods). By-the-way, the fix isn't accidental, it requires forethought. The industry must engage consumers in a healthy conversation of "pre-planning", because consumers need both, waterproofing and accessory installation. It seems ridiculous to think that we would sell waterproofing products, knowing inevitability most installs are penetrated by screw-type anchors. The reality is, consumers need grab bars, however, most grab bars are installed in tile surfaces. Although this is a tremendous opportunity, it none-the-less amplifies the industries waterproofing vulnerabilities, especially when considering the onset of tile showers produced for aging baby-boomers. Thankfully, TileWare has the technology answer!

OUR TECHNOLOGY - Mounting failures and waterproofing compromises are now a thing of the past, thanks to TileWare's PermaTile™ Anchoring Technology. Our anchors were designed exclusively for tile shower applications, working seamlessly with tile industry products. Most importantly our anchors do not violate waterproofing, closing-the-loop on unwarranted penetrations and mechanical failures associated with accessories loosening or pulling away from tile surfaces. Our patented technology coincides perfectly with tile installation, ensuring an efficient workflow and anchoring result. The tile industry hangs its hat on precise waterproofing methods, now it’s time that we connect a turnkey solutions that includes ADA grab bars, seating and other lifestyle accessories. TileWare has an extraordinary 10 year performance record, working together with industry partners to stop waterproofing violations. We accomplish this by combining our welded stainless steel anchors with substrates, waterproofing, thin-set and tile, work together to create a monolithic wall structure... like rebar in cement. By blending these materials into a unitized system we are able to transfer the mechanical load across the entire tile wall, holding 1175 lbs (referencing the anchor only). We suggest that you pause before starting your next tile shower project and learn why our technology is so effective... you will appreciate the result.